The cultivation of organic in conversion cotton follows strict rules – in fact, the same rules as those imposed in organic farming, and from day one of conversion. In short: no chemicals or GMO’s can be used, just organic or natural fertilisers and repellents; resources must be used responsibly, especially water, and there must be an appropriate crop rotation system for sustainable production that is good for the soil, nature and health. The strong social dimension is another bonus.

Would you like to know for sure where your conventional cotton T-shirt comes from? Most of the time, this is impossible!
Our promise: our organic in-conversion cotton products comply with the legislation imposed on organic cotton producers in every respect. But you don’t have to take our word for it – we do have the documentation to prove it. Transaction certificates ensure the full traceability of our products.
Equivalent quality and increased sustainability
You want to do better for the planet but you are still concerned about switching to organic in conversion cotton? Don’t worry, nothing will change from an everyday perspective. You can still offer your customers the same designs, colours and quality.
But with a big plus – cotton that’s produced according to the current organic standards – and supporting the transition of a large land surface traditionally producing conventional cotton to a production following all organic standards.